Saturday 20 October 2007

Quiero agradecerles a todos su colaboracion en mi Blog por Gema Moraleja Paz

The Red Sea of your eyes

I have seen you

bloodstained, sunk in

despairing anguish.

Do not be sad, all is

fleeting in this life.

Cast off the ice, awake,

do not let maya trap

you in its velvet net.

You are more than your eyes

you are more than your body

you are more than your tears

you are more than your skin.

Don’t let anyone

frighten you or convince you

that you don’t exist.

Tell the world

that your space is

covered in

ideas, that your limbs

are alive and that you’re


Give the poor

a chance, help

the thirsty, stint

on nothing

time is but time.

On this plane time

exists, but we

would laugh were we to see

ourselves from without

behaving like

idiots. We’d be

ashamed of the foolishness

about us, the

stupidity that pursues us.

We think we’re more than others

we wear the same clothes

in different sizes, die

the same death with different

endings, have the same beginning

in birth.

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